Sleep Apnea Therapy - Switzerland

You can view and download the brochure (PDF format) free of charge. Please note that the brochure provided here may not be modified. Currently only in German. - Thank you for your interest.

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Recommendation - Sleep Apnea Therapy

Recommendation that is worthwhile for you!

Who else should be able to benefit from this alternative therapy (sleep apnea)?

Would you like your colleagues, acquaintances or relatives to contribute to their health and healthy, restful sleep? You will receive CHF 40.00 (per patient, client) directly into your bank account for each successful recommendation. The transfer will only be made once the person you have recommended to PRODIDGERIDOO has officially attended sleep apnea therapy.

Details of the recommendation can be found in the form (PDF format). Of course, the recommendation is non-binding. Please complete the form legibly and return it by e-mail to with the subject "Recommendation", thank you. - Thank you for your recommendation.

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Apnea Meeting - Switzerland

You can view and download the flyer (PDF format) for free. Please note that the flyer provided here may not be modified. Currently only in German. - Thank you for your interest.

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Didgeridoo Workshops

You can view and download the flyer (PDF format) for free. Please note that the flyer provided here may not be modified. Currently only in German. - Thank you for your interest.

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Care and Storage of Didgeridoos

You can view and download the didgeridoo care instruction (PDF format) for free. Please note that the care instruction provided here may not be changed. In english. - Thank you for your interest.

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