
Be inspired by or through something new

I would love to inspire you to try something new. Whether you want to learn a language, play a new instrument or even take up a new sport. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what it is. The most important thing is that you enjoy it and put your heart and soul into it. - It's never too late...!

With warm and lively greetings


Inspiration for playing the didgeridoo (books)

and the further development...

"Whatever you can do or dream you can do,
start with it."

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -



- Music on the beach -


- For inspiration... -

- For inspiration... -


"Are you ready,
your personal and unique wave
of your life?

There is no perfect wave or the wave,
every one is the right one.
The only question is
whether and how you surf it."

- Daniel Spiegel, PRODIDGERIDOO -



1. Movement
Surfing is a great way to get a full body workout.

2. Enjoy the nature
Going to the sea for surfing is a great way to enjoy the natural beauty of the surroundings.

3. Stress reduction
Getting in the water and riding some waves can help relieve stress and improve overall mental health.

4. Improves the balance
Learning to surf requires a lot of balance, which can help improve balance outside of surfing.

5. Fun
Surfing is an incredibly fun and rewarding activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities.

6. Adventure
Surfing can take you on amazing journeys and help you discover new places.

7. Social (social contacts)
Surfing can be a great way to meet new people, make friends and socialize.

8. Creative outlet
Surfing can be a great way to express creativity and push yourself to try new tricks and maneuvers.

9. Confidence building
Mastering the art of surfing can be a huge confidence booster.

10. Increase appreciation
Surfing can help deepen appreciation for the ocean, its power and the environment.

„Surfing is one of the most
beautiful and intense sports for me."

- Daniel Spiegel, PRODIDGERIDOO -



The word shaka, accompanied by a typical hand position in which the closed fist is raised with the thumb and little finger spread apart, is a gesture that is very common in Hawaii and has also been adopted by surfers there and is used on various occasions and means something like "Cool!", "Loose!", "All right!", "Good wave". It originally stands for the symbolic hammock stretched between these fingers (hang loose, as surfers say).

Listeners say that Surf Shack Radio instantly brings them to a tropical place and climate. Our unique blend of Reggae, Tropical, Island, Surf Rock and Cali Roots makes Surf Shack Radio one of the most desirable stations to stream, period. Listen and enjoy the music of the feeling on the beach and surfing... - Greetings from Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

A COMMITMENT to protection and marine life

The sea covers more than 70% of the earth's surface. It is home to millions of fascinating animal and plant species - many of which are still undiscovered. With its sheer vastness and phenomenal biodiversity, this habitat casts a spell over us.

However, the marine ecosystem is becoming unbalanced because humans are leaving serious traces behind: Plastic waste and noise pollute the underwater world, many fish stocks are fished to the limit or overfished and numerous marine mammals are still being killed today.

OceanCare has been raising its voice for marine life since 1989. The international organization based in Switzerland is a UN special advisor for marine conservation and contributes to the achievement of the global sustainability goals.

- Marine protection - no sea, no life. -

- Keeping the oceans alive. -

- The sea is our world. -